Natural remedies to get rid of split ends causing hair loss

Natural Remedies to get Rid of Split ends

Most of us have experienced or suggested someone about remedies for hair problems. But search to get rid of it deepens in split ends.

The end part of the hair got split ends because it lost the cuticle (outer protective coat), and the inner cuticle gets exposed.

According to research, it has been stated that the cause of hair to get split is because of exposing the inner cuticle.

As it is also true that there are no ways to remove split ends from your hair, except cutting your split ends or the part of the hair which has split ends.

Here are quick tips to prevent having split ends in your hair.

People develop split ends in their hair, because of the chemical treatments, heat treatments.

I also have split ends but not because of the above-mentioned problems in fact due to pressurizing combing and forceful brushing on the hair.

Here are some tips to stop splitting ends.

  • In every 2 months or less, get your hair trimmed and get a haircut.
  • Those who have extremely dry hair should avoid using shampoo daily.

You can apply a homemade hair mask to your hair.

  • Choose products for hair very carefully. Go with the herbal hair products, it is a better choice.
  • Better to use conditioner on your hair, after shampoo.
  • While combing your hair, choose a comb with wide hair.

If you are going to use blow dryers or curling or straighten, use a heat protecting spray in your hair.

Take a proper diet that should contain nutrients that are essential for your quick hair growth.

If necessary, after consulting with the doctor take essential supplements of biotin and folic acid, essential for the hair.

Natural remedies for Split ends problem

Natural or home remedies for split ends.

Natural remedies and ways to get rid of split ends even to the roots.

1. Handle your hair gently after washing to prevent fraying

Some people have the habit of rubbing their wet hair with a towel to make it dry.

Wet hair is soft and can easily get damaged by harsh rubbing with a towel. It will damage the hair cuticles, which will make the hair dry and frizzy.

Only round the towel around your hair, don’t do a rubbing of the hair.

Follow hand tied hair extensions

It does not damage your hair. No reason to raise eyebrows.

Hand-tied hair extensions help you in maintaining the hair’s health and lead it to grow out till you follow proper care of it.

 2. Detangle your hair

Tangle your hair, it is quite important.

When you comb or brushing your hair, the tangled hair will lose.

Use a wide comb to detangle our hair and try hand-tied weft. This will prevent hair breakage.

3. Moisture to hair prevents split ends

If you don’t want split ends to grow in your hair, provide proper moisture to your hair.

Dryness in the hair is the precursor for split ends in the hair, may cause hair loss.

Provide deep conditioning and moisture to your hair helps to split ends.Natural remedies prevent it more effectively.

Use homemade hair masks, to prevent dullness in the hair. Hairs masks are better than conditioners.

Also, you can apply the hair masks overnight as well. The untreated problem of split hair can cause hair loss.

Hair masks to prevent hair breakages

One can buy the ready hair masks or made it at home while using the following ingredients-

1. Use Coconut oil

Coconut oil provides very promising benefits to your hair. It is used as a skin moisturizer and a makeup remover also.

In 2017 review of studies, stated that it helps in retaining the protein in your hair when used in the post-grooming product as well.

Due to the low molecular weight of coconut oil, it easily penetrates the hair as compared to other oils.

Therefore, due to its penetrating nature, it moisturizes the hair very well.

People who have dry, frizziness and curly hair can easily use it.

Apply the 2 tbsp. warm coconut oil on your wet hair. Make strands in the hair using hair clips to avoid them coming on the face and eyes.

You can also make coconut oil and honey hair mask for 40 minutes before doing shampoo and conditioner. It will provide deep moisture to the hair.

2. AloeVera hair mask is good to prevent spilt ends effectively

Aloe vera is succulent that can grow all over the world in hotter climates. That’s why it has found its place in many natural remedies.

It has nourishing vitamins, so it is used to treat dry hair and skin.

Aloe vera is anti-inflammatory that will lessen scalp infection, provides moisturizing effect, vitamin C, E, B12, and choline content that will strengthen the hair.

So, People who have oily hair, dry, curly, and natural hair, all can use it.

3. Honey hair mask

Honey has been used as a natural sweetener and for medicinal purposes.

Here, honey has vitamins, proteins, minerals, and antioxidants properties, it is used in digestive issues and gives a soothing effect to the throat, and also improves skin conditions.

Therefore, due to so much good content found in raw honey, it is used as a therapeutic agent for hair masks.

It proves one among effective remedies that helps in preventing split ends.

Honey can make the following differences in the hair.

  • Provides moisture to dry hair and scalp as well.
  • Declines hair breakages.
  • It restores shine and thus improves the condition of your hair.
  • Reduces the frizz and softens the hair.

You can make a honey hair mask by using a variety of ingredients.

Take ½ cup of honey and ¼ cup of olive or coconut oil, mix them in a bowl, and then apply it on the scalp. It will be better to use raw and organic honey in your hair mask.

Also, when you apply it tn your hair, wrap your hair with a shower cap or a plastic wrap.

This will provides more moisture to your hair. Leave this for 30 minutes.

Other hair masks are also available or can be homemade which can deeply moisturize and nourishes your hair and scalp.

4. Avoid giving extra heat to your hair, it increases hair breakages

For having instant curling and straightening, we use a flat iron or curl iron. Even to dry our hair, we use a blow dryer.

So, avoid using these as much as possible. Allow drying your hair by air naturally.

If you do use heat appliances, at least lower the heat settings.

Regular use of dryers for hair, hair starts splitting until reaches to the root.

Thus, better to use heat protecting sprays and gels before using these heat appliances.

5. Use a pillow cover of silk while sleeping.

At night you can also prevent your hair to have split ends. Use a silk or satin made pillow cover while sleeping.

Avoid using a cotton pillow cover, because it will generate more friction between the pillow cover and your hair.

You can also wear silk made a scarf on your head to prevent friction, if you don’t have a silk or satin made pillow cover.

6. Give a proper time gap between your hair treatments

Treatments like coloring your hair, perming, or relaxing your hair. These treatments have their toll which your hair will pay.

I suggest you with my experience that has a time gap of 8-10 weeks between touch-up treatments.

AAD, suggests having one treatment at a time.

If you need more than one hair treatment at a time, relaxing your hair is important.

Then wait at least 2 weeks, before coloring your hair.

Apply a homemade DIY hair mask weekly, once a week, and also apply conditioner in your hair, after every time you shampoo.

In conclusion

As we have told you, split ends can’t be removed from hair by any treatment or hair mask remedies

But you can prevent split ends to grow by having regular haircuts and trimming. If your hair is becoming dry and damaged, do follow the mentions ways to prevent it.

Proper hair care leads to prevent extreme split ends to the roots.

So, you need not go for any more chemicals made product, if your hair is already becoming dull and damaged.


Moving downtown through the crowded roads of India, Aishwarya Gupta got an amazing idea of making her passion and medical knowledge helpful to others. When she is not busy with her blogs, you can find her inside the gym or lost in some interesting book.