High Coronavirus Death Rate in Italy

COVID-19: Why Italy mourns the High Coronavirus Death Rate

Coronavirus: Why are COVID deaths in Italy so high?

COVID19 deaths figures have precipitated now. The horrendous condition of global pandemic flabbergasted the tracking of coronavirus infections and death rates. A high death rate of coronavirus patients in Italy is around 11%, and it caused them the highest death in the world.

As global data shows a notable difference in the number of deaths and cases, despite being following the similar nature of the COVID outbreak.
Following the higher COVID 19 cases in Italy, the country is battling against the highest death rate from coronavirus.

Italy under a miserable situation is battling intrepidly against COVID.
April 4, 2020, Germany has also reported more than 10000 deaths due to coronavirus infections, while Italy mourns for more than 14000 deaths.

The death rate in Germany is much lower than in Italy. A major disparity of the death percentage between the two countries demystifies the integrated influence of several factors.

According to Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, USA, Germany recorded the rate of deaths due to COVID19, which is 0.4 percent. which is far less than what Italy has survived.

The surrealistic pattern is supported by WHO observation. According to the WHO, the discrepancies in death rates may be caused due to several potential factors.

First, the fundamental reason for the high death rate is the distribution of age and sex in the countries. The ” population Pyramid” affects the severity of the disease.

Next, the healthcare or medical facilities are well contributing to the low or high mortality ratio.

Another responsible factor may be the credibility of the figures of tests and records. There are supplementary tests are also being done in some countries that misinterpret the data.

A source portrays the average age of COVID cases in Germany was 45 years while coronavirus cases in Italy plateaued to 65 years.

The correlation between death rate and high coronavirus cases in Italy hovers around the test pattern of coronavirus infection. Less reported cases of mild infections of COVID 19 Italy might have cost them a more severe death rate than Germany.

According to the report published in, National daily, Corriere Della Sera, suggests, the country may be facing unreported cases of deaths and infections due to coronavirus.

South Korea has tested more people to track coronavirus infection cases than in other countries. It contributes to a low death rate compared to other state’s claimed data.

Image Source: Concordmonitor.com

It’s not an unusual mechanism to ascertain the disparity in mortality rates. Low testing figures but high deaths, would ensure a significant rise in death in Italy.

One more difficulty in ascertaining the real cause behind discrepancies in data, that it is not peer-reviewed research, but rather it almost real-time data.

BBC reports, “If you never actually develop symptoms but had encountered the virus, that would be an infection, but it is an ‘uncountable’ one – uncountable until the time that we have an antibody test,”

The comprehensive analysis of cases of coronavirus in Italy after some months or years might be different from what statistics suggest at the moment.

In the US, any death of the patient infected with coronavirus is being reported as a data constituting COVID-19 deaths, no matter what doctors believe to be a reason for death.

Cécile Viboud, an epidemiologist at National Institutes of Health says,

“I expect that the final death certificate will have COVID along with pre-existing conditions, should there be any,”

“But at this point, any COVID-positive case who dies will be tallied in the US death count.”

COVID-19: Reasons behind deaths and high mortality rates

Average age of the country’s population

Though medical facilities rays hope for fewer deaths, the prime factor- the average age of a population may cause more disparities in figures.

The current data suggest that Older people at more risk of coronavirus infection due to pre-existing health issues.

Here, the immune system of the body shields against exposure to the coronavirus. Weak immunity puts the body at greater risk of infectious diseases. So WHO in its media briefing also suggested increasing the immunity of the body to ramp up a battle against a deadly virus.

Explore ways to boost the immunity of the body, so that you can head off the coronavirus.

The median age of Italy was 46.3 years while in Germany it was 46 years. The data shows imperious differences between in coronavirus cases in Italy and Germany. The figures have cocooned in the pensive state due to global panic.

Stages of the Coronavirus

Some scientists suggest that Germany is yet to experience the worst phase like Italy. The course of pandemic exhibits the possible reason for the high death rate in Italy.

The coronavirus hit Italy and Spain, much earlier than Spain. So, we may enshroud it another responsible factor for the difference in COVID deaths.

The health of a healthcare system affects the death rate

Among all other responsible factors. the state of healthcare and medical facilities equip against any pandemic.

Here, the question pops up, how well the healthcare infrastructure is prepared for any unprecedented outbreak like Coronavirus, SARS, MERS, etc.

The severe condition of the COVID patients can be recovered through the help of respirators and ventilator machines. The probability of sudden spikes in deaths can be well avoided by better healthcare or medical facilities.

Read More: Can you get coronavirus twice?

The number of deaths may mushroom due to a lack of intensive care facilities in hospitals. Lack of ventilators for artificial respiration annihilates the chances of saving their lives. As a result, more deaths are being recorded in some countries.

An important fact about intensive care beds, the ratio also varies with the population of the countries.

In Germany, there were 28000 intensive care beds to 80 million people just before the coronavirus outbreak in the country. While in Italy, 5000 beds to 60 million people were available in intensive care.

A notable observation shows the availability of beds in intensive care to the country’s population. Italy provides 12 beds while Germany has 29 intensive care beds per 100000 people.

The situation keeps endangering for Spain as well, the country has 10 beds per 100000 people.

As long as Coronavirus continues, every country may face differences in their cases of infection and mortality rates to the average. The high death rate, as well as cases, can be well avoided through strict quarantine rules. Soon, it will be flattening the curve.


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