The first South Korean film “Parasite – a comedy thriller,“ was nominated and won the prestigious Oscars this year. By becoming the first foreign-language movie, Bong Joon ho also credited in the original screenplay and international feature category.
Previously, Sir Sam Mendes’s 1917 won three awards,while Parasite won 4 awards in Oscars 2020. The epic one about World War One won the best picture award in the technical categories.
Parasite’s Filmmaker Bong Joon-ho got more awards tonight than Sir Sam. He pocketed the best director as well as the best screenplay award.
What does Parasite film?
The parasite is all about a vicious social satire. It hovers around the two families of different classes in South Korea, Seol. One family lives in a semi-basement and grief-stricken while another family is a rich one.
It has now come to manage what any other subtitled film could do in the long 92-year history of 2020 Academy Awards and also won the best picture.
Producer of Parasite, Kwak Sin-ae, collecting the trophy:
“I’m speechless. We never imagined this would happen. I feel like a very opportune moment in history is happening right now.”
Miky Lee -who built South Korea’s very first movie multiplex and reigns an entertainment empire also gave enough credit to film supporters for the prize.
“I, really, really want to thank our Korean film audiences, our moviegoers, who…never hesitated to give a straightforward opinion on what they think of our movies,” she followed her speech by a joke
“Without you, our Korean film audience, we are not here.”
Joaquin Phoenix won the best actor award in Oscars 2020 for his performance in Joker.
Phoenix: “’ I’ve been a scoundrel in my life. I’ve been cruel at times and hard to work with, but so many people in this room have given me a second chance.”
He used the podium to deliver a heartfelt message about the condition of the world. He enlivened the award ceremony by saying the actors possess the due power to offer “ voice for the voiceless “
Phoenix was also vocal about animal rights, racism, and sexism. He ended his speech with a lyric written by River- his late brother: Run to the rescue and love and peace will follow.”
Brad Pitt was the first academy award winner of the night. Brad Pitt won his first Oscar in his acting career – He picked the trophy for best-supporting actor for Quentin Tarantino’s film.