How to Boost Immunity: 6 Signs of Weak Immune system

Feeling Sick. Next what. I mean it’s best to boost your immune system.

With no coronavirus vaccination yet, the question hovers around keeping your immune system so strong. Better to protect yourself against the deadly virus.

People are googling various natural defences to beat the bug. You need to know how to boost your immune system organically.

Meanwhile, A study in the journal Nature Medicine clarifies the necessity to boost the immune system.

“We showed that even though COVID-19 is caused by a new virus, in an otherwise healthy person, a robust immune response across different cell types was associated with clinical recovery, similar to what we see in influenza,”

Since the Wuhan Coronavirus crossed international borders, reports are coming up with extensive facts and findings.

On the other hand, a panic to buy face masks shooting a dangerous health emergency.

Yet, there is no cure for deadly coronavirus, so it is better to take preventive measures either recommended by WHO or state departments.

“Data from many countries clearly show that people under 50 make up a significant proportion of patients requiring hospitalization.” Dr Tedros

Cases went serious where the functioning of the immunity of the people to fight coronavirus was weak.

The death rates are high with the patients experiencing or have experienced health problems. It is better to boost up the immune system of the body to fend off the pathogens causing illness.

Important Signs of Weak Immune System

Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, everyone is searching for a way to increase their immunity and precautions to stay healthy.

Doctors suggesting to add immune system booster foods and lifestyles to keep for the people.

Yet, washing your hands for 20 sec and better practising social distancing has been key in preventing the virus spread. However, it is important that you must possess a strong immune system that enables you in fighting back against infection.

There are numerous basic signs of a weak immune system.

While, you often feel sick, fatigued, or other nagging symptoms, these direct to an unhealthy immune system.

Here are the signs and symptoms that show a necessity to boost your immunity.

1. High-Stress Level

Usually, you get over exhausted sometimes. As a result, you get fall sick.

According to a submitted report, it was found that long-term stress directly affects and weakens the natural responses of the immune system.

“That’s because stress decreases the body’s lymphocytes, the white blood cells that help fight off infection. The lower your lymphocyte levels, the more you’re at risk for viruses like the common cold,”

elaborated by physician Nadia Hasan, at Delancey Internal Medicine.

2. Chronic Cold Problem

Normally, adults experience seasonal sneeze and sniffle through 2 or 3 colds each year. But most of them get back to work in 5-7 days.

During that days, the immune system of your body takes 3 to 4 days to develop necessary antibodies and fight germs.

In case you have the constant problem of cold or running nose, it may indicate that you are struggling with the immune system.

3. Digestive Problem

In case you have frequent constipation, gas, or diarrhoea, it may be an early sign that you need to add things that boost immunity in your life.

According to research, nearly 70% of the immune system is housed in your gut or digestive tract.

Your stomach has good bacteria and micro-organisms, that defend it from infection and bolster your immune system.

But, the situation darkens in case, low amounts of good bacteria can risk chronic inflammation, viruses, and autoimmune disorders also.

4. Slow Healing of Wounds

The body itself cures the cut, burn or scrape you get. Your skin gets into a damage control process.

Your body keeps working to protect your wound through nutrient-rich blood and regenerate new skin.

But important to note that the entire healing process relies on healthy immune cells.

So, if your immune system weakens, the skin can’t regenerate.

As a result, your wounds take more time than usual to heal.

5. Frequent Infection Problem

In case you are finding it hard to tackle frequent infections, it shows a low immunity level.

The possible signs of immune deficiency in normal adults include:

  • Battling 4 or more ear infections in a year
  • You get pneumonia two times in a year
  • Need more than 2 courses of antibiotics in a year
  • Have to suffer from chronic or more than 2-3 bacterial sinusitis a year

6. Feeling Tiredness All the Time

Normally, you feel sluggish after usual working hours. Sometimes get more exhausted due to overworking hours.

But it raises red flags when you are constantly feeling tired even after getting enough sleep a day. It means that your immune system is not at its best.

You keep experiencing low energy levels.

How to boost your immune system?

There are numerous ways to improve the immune system for making it more strong and more effective in fighting against any infection. Spending time on adding the immune system booster foods worth amid Covid.

Let’s follow the following tips for healthy immunity:

1. Stop the Habit Of Smoking for keeping immunity strong

Stop the Habit Of Smoking to boost the immunity of the body

Smoking causes 12 to 13 times more risk of COPD to smokers than nonsmokers.

The habit of smoking cigarettes is a psychological habit and physical addiction. Smoking dangers the immune system as well as the risk of cancer.

Smoking harms innate and adaptive immunity. It increases the risk of developing dangerous pathogenic immune responses.

Reason behind more deaths of Wuhan coronavirus smoking and coronavirus relation: smokers may have more risk of coronavirus.

The habit of smoking reduces the immunity power and enfeebles the body’s immunity against infections.

So by quitting smoking the risk of cardiovascular diseases can be prevented. It makes your immune system healthy and increases the response of the immune system of your body.

A study suggests the risk of heart problems like heart attack drops effectively, just one year after leaving smoking.

2. Healthy Diet for improving the immunity system of the body

Healthy foods in your daily eating plan strengthen your immune system. A healthy immune system is a result of regular nourishment.

An unhealthy diet or less healthy calorie intake may lead to more vulnerability to infectious disease. It results in the problem of immunity disorder.

Foods that bolster immunity are now a big search.

Studies are recommending the role of diet for a healthy immune system.

Vitamin C rich foods are recommended for a healthy immune system.

Studies show the need for a nutritional diet for the strong immunity system of the body and preventing the development of diseases.

Read more: 13 Healthy Foods That Are Rich in Vitamin C for a healthy immune system

a) Vitamin Rich Foods for boost immunity:

According to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2015-2020 people should try to meet nutrient requirements by a healthy eating pattern including nutrient-dense foods.

Healthy Diet includes vitamins and minerals to boost the immunity of the body

In a search for a healthy life, the regular consumption of vitamin-rich foods can boost the immune system of the body.

Thus, it is recommended to include vitamins to increase immunity against seasonal infections.

Recent studies suggest a relation between the immune system and Vitamin C foods. So organize immune system booster food items in your list.

Usually, vitamin C is known for boosting immunity against diseases. But there are a lot of other vitamins as the source to boost the immune system.

Vitamin including A, Vitamin B: thiamin (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), pantothenic acid (B5), pyridoxal (B6), cobalamin (B12), biotin, and folate/folic acid, C, D, E, and K.

Vitamin C is the prime booster among all vitamins. It is also named ascorbic acid. Vitamin C benefits in absorbing iron and developing healthy tissue. Some vitamin C rich citrus fruits like Grapefruit, Orange, Strawberries, and Spinach.

So, you need to have a daily intake of essential vitamins that fight against infection and keep you strong.

So, better to buy foods that bolster immunity

3. Bovine Colostrum to strengthen the immune system

Colostrum is referred to as a breast fluid, from nursing mammals.
It contains protective antibodies and becomes very nutritious.

High levels of antibodies lead to fighting bacteria and infections. Research shows Bovine colostrum supplements may improve immunity and help in fighting infections.

Bovine Colostrum to boosts the immunity of the body.

Bovine Colostrum is better than cow’s milk and is dense with minerals, vitamins fats proteins, carbohydrates, digestive enzymes, and growth hormones. It is similar to human Colostrum.

You can improve immunity and easily harness the benefits of the Colostrum through supplements available in powder form. These are obtained from goats, cows, and other mammals.

Following the need for vitamins that balance immunity disorder, colostrum helps in balancing the immune system.

A Bovine Colostrum study over 29 male cyclists shows that 10 gm daily intake of Bovine Colostrum for 5 weeks regularly, prevents a post-exercise reduction in immune cells and decrease the risk of symptoms of upper respiratory infection in comparison to placebo.

4. Fresh vegetables in your eating plan to support immune system health.

Fresh or cruciferous vegetables boost immune system health.

Fresh vegetables, seeds, nuts, and fruit are essential for a healthy life or immune system. These are loaded with the requirements of the nutrients.

Increasing the daily intake of vegetables and fruits in your eating plan boosts your immunity level. The high improved immune system functions against the risk of exposure to disease.

Food having healthy liver and cruciferous vegetables like Cabbage, broccoli, kale, etc. are good while planning a healthy immunity system.

5.Herbs & Supplements for better function of immune cells

Herbs are best known best to improve health with immune-boosting power and healing feature of the herbs.

Herbs & Supplements can also helpful in boosting the immunity.

Herbs for increasing responsive immunity of your body, are safe, natural and effective. Some of the herbs are Valerian, Milk Thistle, Fenugreek, Black cohosh, etc.

Vitamin and mineral supplements have the necessary nutrients that the body needs for a robust immunity system. Supplements dense with Vitamin C, Zinc, Vitamin A, Vitamin d, Vitamin B6, Vitamin E helps in boosting the immune system of the body.

6. Need for exercise to boost immunity.

The regular exercise routine makes your body able to fight diseases with much better intensity.

So, everyday workout proves good in keeping your immune system healthy and strong. It helps in preventing infections, diseases, or risks of diseases.

Home exercise to boost immunity of the body

Meanwhile, To boost immunity against coronavirus or COVID19, WHO recommended a daily 1/2 an hour physical activity for adults, and 1 hour for children.

According to research, daily exercise improves the immunity system against communicable diseases including airborne infectious viruses. Exercise makes T cells more active or mobilizes, guards against the infection.

7. Sufficient Sleep also helps in improving the immunity of the body.

Sufficient Sleep also helps in improving the immunity of the body.

How to take good sleep? a question that always hovers around in the mind.

So, there is a need for good or sufficient sleep that benefits you a lot.

Lack of sleep may reduce the mobility of T cells due to inflammatory immune response. It weakens the immune system of the body and responds to the vaccines.

8. Reduce Stress to balance immunity disorder

Reduce Stress to boost immunity of the body

Stress can make your immune system weak and risk you being infected or affected by the infection.

The research found that people following a stressful life, get the high release of cortisol hormone, which can increase inflammation, which may lead you to further diseases.

According to Dr, Jenna Maccioichi, immunologist, Stress is among major contributing factors to your unbalanced immune system and risk of being vulnerable to infections

So it is important to reduce your daily stress as much you can.

Go for breathing exercises, and meditation to improve the immune system. It will eliminate much of your body stress and prepare you to counter any probable dangerous virus-like coronavirus.

9. Step Out In the Sun to boost immunity

stepping out in the sunlight  boost your immunity

Natural sunlight is among the major source of vitamin D in your body. Vitamin D helps in producing antibodies and ramps up the healthy functioning of the body’s immune system.

The problem of a low level of Vitamin D is termed among prime reasons for respiratory problems.

So, stepping out in the sunlight even for 10-15 minutes will help as a source the vitamin D in the body.

In conclusion

For increasing immunity, you need to follow a healthy diet, exercise, and a healthy lifestyle. Proper sleep and quitting smoking is recommended way to boost the immune system of the body.

Since the coronavirus outbreak, the problem with the immune system has come into the picture. How you boost your immune system, depends on your food and lifestyle as well.

Better to take care of the abovementioned ways to increase your immunity to fight against any infection.


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