Coronavirus update

Coronavirus Update: Coronavirus Is Found to Spread Through Building’s Pipes

Coronavirus Update: Coronavirus Is Found to Spread Through Building’s Pipes


Amid the coronavirus outbreak, the news is coming from Hongkong this time. Many people were quarantined after the deadly coronavirus appeared to expand through the apartment building’s pipes.

Here’s what you need to know:

Hong Kong officials took charge of sudden action, after 2 people residing on different floors, they were found positive with the coronavirus. People were evacuated and quarantined from the apartment building.

These two cases follow a substantial indication that the coronavirus may access through a pipe of an apartment’s building. It has given a new route to the suspicion about the virus’s capability of spreading through different channels.

Hong Kong city’s Center for Health Protection officials said that the decision to evacuate was partially taken soon after discovering an unsealed bathroom pipe in a 62-year-old woman’s apartment. She was found positive to coronavirus and lives 10 floors below previously infected reason.

According to Hong Kong’s health secretary, Sophia Chan, In addition to these infected residents, 4 other residents living in 3 different units showed symptoms of the coronavirus.

The quarantines were the residents of Hong Mei House’s 23 Units, a multi-story building on the Cheung Hong state.

The virus impact has been compared to the SARS outbreak. In 2003, 329 residents were found infected with SARS. Later on, it was found to have expanded through defective piping. Forty-two of the SARS infected residents died.

While the local officials denied comparing the situation with the previously experienced SARS outbreak in 2003. That time these pipes were fixed outside the building and the SARS virus was spread through the air.

In the news briefing of the Government, Yuen Kwok-Yung, Professor at the University of Hong Kong, said that right now the situation is quite different. But he also said that the possibility of airborne transmission of the coronavirus was not yet ruled out by authorities.


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