Make your heart healthy by healthy food, exercise and good habits. Promise to yourself on World Heart Day 2020

World Heart Day 2022: Tips for Healthy Heart after COVID-19

WHO claims that around 31% or 17.9 million deaths are due to CVD (Cardiovascular diseases) each year, making it the world’s leading cause of death. That’s a perfect reason to promise this year a healthy heart on World Heart Day 2022.

“Do Your Part, Care for Your Heart”, and celebrating World Heart Day on 29 September.

In 1999, World Heart Day was first observed when the World Health Federation successfully collaborated with the WHO ( World Health Organisation).

World heart day raises awareness around the globe that cardiovascular disease includes heart stroke and heart diseases. Some Research suggests that during Covid-19 people having cardiovascular disease were more likely to have worse COVID-19 symptoms due to metabolic syndrome.

The day is organized to aware of each individual about the prevention of Cardiovascular disease (CVD).


By changing our lifestyle and food habits we can make a big change in the ratio of people suffering from heart diseases.

Healthy Habits for Your Healthy Heart

Here are some heart-healthy habits and steps, which individual of any age should take to prevent it-

1.Get active for a healthy heart:

Exercise and being physically active can be the best habits to have a healthy heart. The surgeon recommended that for an adult two and a half hours of moderate-intensity exercise every day in a week. You can also try doing aerobic activity for 30 minutes for 5 days on 50 minutes for 3 days a week.

2.Good to Watch your weight.

Loose weight for your healthy heart. Body weight more than normal increases risk of heart attacks and further problems.

Being overweight or obese increases the risk of heart disease.

Your heart has to perform extra work to pump blood in your body if you are having extra belly fat around your belly.

Blood sugar level and blood pressure will improve largely if initially you reduce 5-10% of your body weight.

3.Better to enrich your diet with healthy food:

People who have diet or food items that are more in the content of fats, Tran’s fats and cholesterol are more prone to heart disease. It is highly recommended to completely stop the intake of these food items.

Adding fruits and vegetables, wholegrain, unsaturated fat, lean protein (from beans, nuts, fish, and poultry), and low sodium herbs and spices.

Food items that are high in taste but low in health are processed foods, salt, and high eating carbs which digest rapidly. red meat, soft drinks, or others including highly sweetened drinks and bakery food items.

4.Low consumption of alcohol

Decrease the high amount of alcohol consumption to control your blood pressure. According to the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), men shouldn’t take more than 2 drinks per day, and women no more than one.

What effects your healthy heart journey?

Here also we will discuss some lifestyle improving steps that one needs to follow to have a healthy heart. One should not overlook these habits as well.

1.Smoking doubts healthy heart commitment.

Your heart is in great danger if you use tobacco. Stop smoking is the best and the biggest of all steps to have a healthy heart. Also, avoid secondhand smoke, whenever possible. 

Leave smoking for your healthy heart. Smoking increases the chances of heart attacks to men and women .
 2.Sleep is an important factor

Most adults require 7 hours of sleep. But being a heart patient you make require more than 7 hours of sleep. And also a good quality of sleep is important. Sleep apnea is a condition in which you have many breaks n your sleep. This condition increases the risk of heart stroke.

There is always more to explore about the between science and good sleeping hours.

3.Stress in the life effects heart health

In today’s life, everyone is stressed either due to their work or professional goals or either due to personal or family relations.

People are struggling to have a balance in life. So stress will come naturally, but releasing stress daily is highly beneficial to your heart. Do follow meditation, prayers walk, or follow your hobbies like gardening, dancing, and swimming.


Excessive salt (sodium) in your diet increases your blood pressure.

Better to Know the risk of Heart problems

Keep a check on your body with the help of regular blood pressure, blood sugar, and body mass index (BMI). It will reduce the risk of heart stroke or heart attack. 

Heart aging-an an inevitable fact.

How to deal with aging hearts?

As we grow older, the risk increases for CVD. As we grow older blood vessels lose elasticity which increases blood pressure.

Fat deposition in the heart or coronary vessel results in slow heart rate and increased risk of abnormal rhythms.

So, many lifestyle adjustments can help counter some of the effects of ageing on the heart and can help a younger heart stay in better condition.

How gender differences make difference in a heart attack?
Heart attack symptoms in womenHeart attack symptoms in men
Shortness of breath.Pin pressure, squeezing or aching in chest or arm.
Pain or discomfort in arm, back, or neck.Nausea, heartburn, or abdominal pain.
Upper backpressure.Shortness of breath.
Dizziness or light-headedness.Cold sweat.
Vomiting.Dizziness or lightheadedness.
Preterm delivery.Fatigue.
Hypertensive disorders.High cholesterol.
Risk of heart problems or attacks for adult women

EATING HABITS FOR PREVENTING CVD ( Cardiovascular Disease) or Heart problems

Effective weapons for fighting cardiovascular disease are in your kitchen.

Healthy foods for healthy heart

Two popular food plans one need to follow according to their requirement.

1.The Mediterranean

It includes the blending of eating with the flavours with the change in the making of it. The main components are fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fish, poultry, beans, nuts, seeds, and olive oil. Eating red meat is limited.

Mediterranean diet to makes your heart healthy. It decreases the risk of heart diseases like heart attacks, blockages, High BP etc.
2.The DASH diet.

It stands for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension. It is an eating plan aimed at lowering blood pressure, which reduces heart strokes and heart attacks. This diet is rich in whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, and low in sodium, saturated fat, and cholesterol.

Problems in diet chart increase the risk of heart problems.

The daily amount of sodium should be about 2,300mg.

And person having diabetes, high blood pressure, diabetes, or chronic kidney should not take sodium more than 1500 mg, according to the American Heart Association.


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