Anxiety disorder is not just a temporary worry, it is more than it. Ordinary anxiety is a feeling that comes and goes, and of course, it is unpleasant, you work harder to adjust yourself in these situations. But what if there are close symptoms of anxiety attacks.
When you suffer from an anxiety disorder, it becomes more worrisome. There are a number of generalized symptoms that show signs of anxiety disorder. One fact shows , women are more subjected to social anxiety disorder.
Many people have a feeling of worry, nervousness, they develop stress about something like getting to a new place, switching their careers, change their jobs, or moving to a new city. It is a normal body response when you are having some sort of the change in your life or your nearby surroundings.
Eventually, you present in a situation which you need not face regularly, so that becomes awkward and uncomfortable at the same time for instance when u asked to give a speech, or in a job interview.
When these anxious feelings come and go within 2-3 days, it is normal. If you are persistently worried and fear full for 6 months and it is affecting your daily life activities, you may suffer from an anxiety disorder.
Chronic Anxiety Disorder
Chronic anxiety disorders stopping you from enjoying your hobbies or things that are you love doing. You are fatigued mentally due to lack of concentration on one thing and an overwhelming force of thoughts goes on in your mind. In the extreme case, you don’t want to leave your home, crossing the street, constant fear of the very next moment.
Symptoms of Anxiety Disorder

More fundamentally it can be said that in extreme anxiety there is a disconnect between your mind and body. Although, anxiety has different symptoms, depending upon people experiencing this.
Nightmares, panic attacks, or painful thoughts or memories are generalized symptoms in anxiety disorder.
General anxiety symptoms
- Palpitations.
- Sleeplessness.
- Increase breathing rate.
- Lack of concentration on any one thing, loss of control over your mind thoughts.
Anxiety attacks: it is a feeling of overpowering apprehension, worry, distress, or fear.
Symptoms of an anxiety attack
- Feeling faint or dizzy.
- Shortness of breath.
- Dry mouth.
- Sweating.
- Chills or hot flashes.
- Restlessness.
- Distress.
- Fear.
- Numbness or tingling.
Physical and mental symptoms
- Headache.
- Stomached.
- Fast heartbeat.
- Sweating.
- Jitteriness.
- Muscle tension.
- Panic attacks.
- Nervousness.
- Irrational anger.
Psychological symptoms
- Worrying about social interactions.
- Feels fear for weeks before the event comes.
- Trying to stand in the background in social interactions.
- Missing school, college, or work because of anxiety.
- Need for alcohol to face the situation.
Types of anxiety disorders
- Panic disorders. The persistent feeling of fear of the next panic attack.
- Phobia: fear of specific objects, situations, or activity.
- Fear of spaces- Enocholphobia.
- Fear of open spaces- Agoraphobia.
- Fear of closed spaces- Claustrophobia.
- Fear of heights- Acrophobia.
- Fear of dental procedures-dent phobia.
Social anxiety disorder

Extreme fear of being judged by other people. People having social anxiety disorder find trouble talking to people, they may have understood, what they feel is stupid, irrational, but felt powerless to overcome it. Shyness is different from social anxiety disorder. Shyness doesn’t interrupt one’s life. The exact cause is unknown. Negative experiences of being bullied by someone, family conflict, or sexual abuse.
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
People in this disorder are in certain compulsions to act in a certain way due to loss of control over their mind and this happens repeatedly. Their behavior doesn’t make logical sense.
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PSTD)
This begins after a traumatic event. When someone has faced physical assault, accidents, or saw some crime scene. They have a disorder due to an extreme sense of danger when they are safe. There are different types of PSTD that exist and therapies treatment and medications are also available to correct this disorder.
Connection between Anger and Anxiety
Anxiety is the feeling of worry or fear and anger is also a threat response but later has higher intensity. People usually stumble upon a question are anxiety and anger are same.
In both anxiety and anger comes when you feel like danger. When you are not prepared well for any situation, you do feel anxious.
Emotions of anger and anxiety cause physical symptoms. These symptoms got worsened by thought patterns or either can be improved.
Adrenaline and cortisol are the two hormones released in panic or during maximum stress and threat. In recent years people are also suffering from bipolar disorder symptoms like depressive thoughts, loss of energy, loneliness, etc.
Effect on health, When too much anxiety angers lead to
- Lung problems.
- Headaches.
- Heart disease.
- Fatigue.
- High blood pressure.
- Insomnia.
If you are experiencing too much anger, and you found yourself hard to manage your anger. Then you should know about the following disorders.
- Obsessive-compulsive disorder.
- Oppositional defiant disorder.
- Depression.
- Bipolar disorder.
- Intermittent explosive disorder.
- Nacrisstant personality disorder.
- Borderline personality disorder.
- Greif.
Similarly anxiety also includes following conditions.
- Obsessive-compulsive disorder.
- Depression.
- Post-traumatic stress disorder.
- Phobias.
- Irritable bowel syndrome.
- Substance use disorders.
How can you manage Anxiety naturally?
- Physical exercise.
2. Mindfulness practice.
3. Breathing.
4. Cognitive behavioral therapy.
It works on your thought patterns which are proven unhealthy to you and are deteriorating your health. And even worsening your anxiety and anger. They will help you find out the reasons for your anxiety and anger. Under this therapy, you will learn to reframe your thoughts.
Breathing in paper bags during anxiety.
When you have anxiety attacks and hyperventilation is your condition then breathing inside a paper bag is really useful. It is used to help balance your breathing.
This technique is really helpful during panic attack and anxiety attack.
Hyperventilation or over-breathing happens when either you breathe fast or very slow. When you hyperventilate the co2 level decreases in your body and O2 level also decreases and this affects the oxygen level in the brain.
So breathing inside paper bags increase co2 in your closed space and co2 level in blood can be increased by this.
Symptoms of low CO2 level
- Shortness of breath.
- Light-headedness.
- Fast heart rate.
- Numbness or tingling in hands, face.
- Ache chest muscles.
- Fainting.
Cold shower, is this a instant remedy to your anxiety.
Taking cold shower is for muscles aches or to wake up early and hydrotherapy or water therapy is treatment recommended for cold shower.
Chronic anxiety can be treated in a number of ways. Cold shower therapy is thought to be traced to the Ayurvedic medicine technique. It is one of some best-generalized anxiety disorder treatment without medication,
Talk to your doctor, while consider cold shower bath for anxiety treatment.
A cold shower has been improved the blood circulation. When your body temperature cools down, your system responds by moving fresh blood. It gives an instant anxiety relief to your body.
Anxiety causes an increase in blood pressure, cold shower brings the anxiety down. Endorphins can also ease symptoms these are feel-good hormones in your brain. Coldwater may also decrease cortisol, a stress-inducing hormone.
Athletes use ice baths to help decrease the inflammation that may lead to muscle soreness and after an intense workout.
What Are the Treatments for Generalized Anxiety Disorder?
Here are some treatments without using an anti-depressant drug or any kind of medication. These are some natural remedies that help in managing anxiety.
- Schedule Morning Walk
- Say No to caffeine.
- Take proper sleep.
- Do not skip your meals.
- Stay positive