Yoga for PCOD

How to manage PCOS naturally?

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome:

Also known as Stein Leventhal syndrome:

PCOS: Where a hormonal imbalance affects the follicular growth during the ovarian cycle causing affected follicles to remain in the ovary. The retained follicles convert into cysts and with each ovarian cycle, new cyst is formed leading to multiple ovarian cyst ultrasonic morphologic evidence of >_12 follicles measuring 2.9 mm diameter in single plane during quiescent phase of ovary i.e. 2.7 days of cycle associated with obesity, oligomenorrhea, anovulation & hyperandrogenism., hyperinsulinemia (increased level of insulin in blood is due to density of cells of ovarian tissue of ovary & reduces serum sex hormone-binding globin SHBG) causing increased level of free testosterone. Due to the presence of increased androgen in the ovary, the follicle undergoing maturation in the ovarian cycle is affected causing anovulation of the particular follicle.

If you’re insulin resistant, your body may try to pump out high levels of insulin in an effort to keep your blood sugar levels normal. Too-high levels of insulin can cause your ovaries to produce more androgens, such as testosterone.

Insulin resistance may also be caused by having a body mass index above the normal range. Insulin resistance can make it harder to lose weight, which is why women with PCOS often experience this issue.

A diet high in refined carbohydrates, such as starchy and sugary foods, can make insulin resistance, and therefore weight loss, more difficult to control.

The ovarian cycle is governed by the hypothalamus and it requires the constant require hormonal feedback for regular release of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and Luteinizing Hormone (LH) from the anterior pituitary hormone. The hormonal feedback hypothalamus receives is due to the high level of estrogen that has been formed from the free androgen in peripheral tissue.

Ayurveda says, that it VATA type (Apana Vayu), though the involvement of other doshas can be there. Gynaelogocal disorder usually happens because of Vata Dosha.


Hirsutism, acne, male pattern baldness

Greater risk for:

· Heart disease, endometrial cancer, diabetes, High Blood Pressure

· PCOS: Pitta, Kapha, Medas, Ambhuvahasrotas, and Artava Dhatu.

· General cause: Eating excessive sweat and kaphegenic foods and mandagni, because of this is Kapha getting aggravated in Pcos, we find Kapha disorder as well as pitta and Vata disorder. Because all three doshas play important and distinctive roles in production, development, maturation, and release of ovum and therefore the ovarian cycle & menstrual cycle in under control of three doshas.
