Flu Season 2019-20, 41 % of Americans skip a Flu vaccination. But, before diving into information about the U.S flu season 2020, new coronavirus can be eschewed. The present global health emergency as a result of the Wuhan Coronavirus Outbreak. Though the China health department is relentlessly finding a solution for its end.
Till now the death of least more than 7000 people have been reported in Wuhan, China. More than 160000 persons are infected with the coronavirus. It is expanding more quickly than SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) in 2002-03.
An intense need for coronavirus vaccine is a part of global research and development. But what to do till then?
WHO released some precautionary measures to prevent the risk of coronavirus. It is important to follow these instructions to identify the effective way of preventing it.
Usually, people with low immunity have accounted for the more severe state. Those who are less immune or experienced any cardiovascular disease or any serious health problems resulted in more deaths.
Now let’s dive in for more important points you need to know
Coronavirus vs. Flu
Is U.S. Flu season 2020 similarly dangerous like new Coronavirus?

This season, about 36 million people in the U.S. have encountered flu virus illnesses. No doubt, the concern of Americans over Wuhan coronavirus led to a travel ban.
Meanwhile, the U.S has also confirmed 5000 coronavirus cases and 91 deaths. While CDC declared the coronavirus as a serious public threat, but the situation may lead to national lockdown.

Feb 22,2020
Here, You need to follow one thing, the extent of flu virus illness in the U.S, this season. According to the CDC report, near about 490,600 hospitalizations, and 34,200 deaths during the 2018–2019 influenza so far this season. The Flu has been much predictable for US health authorities, but no clues about coronavirus.
But You cannot ignore a dangerous extent and impact of this flu season may possess. People are at risk of experiencing the risk of flu:
1. Pregnant women
2. Persons aged 65 and above,
3. Young children with a neurological condition
4. People suffering from asthma, heart disease, diabetes, HIV/AIDS and stroke are more at risk.
Influenza B affected young people more seriously, but still, an H1N1 has been more commonly experienced by the people.
According to the CDC, for everyone 6 months and older, the yearly flu vaccination is the only best way to prevent the seasonal flu virus in the U.S.
Flu-like symptoms and Treatments:
Flu symptoms in Adults:
There are several flu symptoms you may have. It ranges from high fever to sore throat. Following are the main symptoms, that people usually experience:
1. Muscle Pain
2. Dry cough or with phlegm
3. Dehydration, chills, fever, fatigue, loss of appetite, flushing, sweating or body ache.
4. Runny nose, sneezing or congestion
5. headache, nausea, sore throat, swollen lymph nodes, breathing problems.
Flu symptoms in baby or kids:
1. Bluish lips or face
2. Pain in chest
3. Trouble in breathing
4. Dehydration
5. Severe pain muscles
6. Seizures
7. Fever above 104degree
8. Regular fever or cough
This list can’t be called as inclusive. Please consult your doctor for flu-like symptoms your child or you experience.
What is the best treatment for the Flu season 2020?
Usually, one needs to take enough rest and abundant fluids to counter the flu.
1. You need to replace fluids that you have lost through bleeding, vomiting, sweating or diarrhea for preventing dehydration. You may prefer chicken soup, ginger, garlic, etc as flu home remedies. As soon as you experience flu-like symptoms, and a higher probability of complications, consult your doctor.
2. Flu vaccine or Medication under your doctor’s prescription.
Annual flu vaccination can easily prevent the risk of the flu virus and its complications.
Do you know cough, sneezing or breathing problems, may be symptoms of coronavirus transmission?
Explore coronavirus symptoms and precautions
The coronavirus symptoms have been much similar to flu virus symptoms. The people have experienced cough and fever, quite similar in the case of coronavirus affected people. The Wuhan coronavirus outbreak has coincided with similar like the suffering of respiratory illness, It also makes it more dangerous.
So it’s better not to ignore the precautions during this flu season. Seasonal influenza may add to possible risks to the Americans, if not tackled carefully.